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Using Bash and jq to Validate and Block Disposable Emails

This document provides example code for how to use Bash with curl and jq to validate an email and determine if it is from a disposable email provider using the Check-Mail API.


Example Bash Script

The following script uses curl to make an API request and jq to parse the JSON response.



# Check if jq is installed
if ! command -v jq &> /dev/null
    echo "Error: jq is not installed. Please install jq to run this script."
    exit 1

# Make the API request
RESPONSE=$(curl -s -X GET "${EMAIL}" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer ${API_KEY}"

# Parse the response using jq
VALID=$(echo $RESPONSE | jq '.valid')
BLOCK=$(echo $RESPONSE | jq '.block')
DISPOSABLE=$(echo $RESPONSE | jq '.disposable')
RISK=$(echo $RESPONSE | jq '.risk')

# Output the response
echo "Email: ${EMAIL}"
echo "Valid: $( [ "$VALID" = true ] && echo "Yes" || echo "No" )"
echo "Block: $( [ "$BLOCK" = true ] && echo "Yes" || echo "No" )"
echo "Disposable: $( [ "$DISPOSABLE" = true ] && echo "Yes" || echo "No" )"
echo "Risk Score: ${RISK}"

Replace YOUR_API_KEY with your actual API key and with the email address you want to validate.


  • The script uses curl to send a GET request to the Check-Mail API.
  • The response is then parsed using jq to extract the relevant fields (valid, block, disposable, risk).
  • If jq is not installed, the script will show an error message and exit.

Next Steps

  • Integrate this Bash script into your automation workflow to detect disposable email addresses.
  • Refer to the documentation for further details on the API.